China and Japan going to war?


I note that the dispute between these two countries over several small islands is escalating.

We have learned repeatedly from history that brinkmanship can, on the back of some small incident, cascade a dispute into unintentional outright warfare. It would be a tragedy if this were to happen yet again and young men and women were sent out once more to kill each other – over what – a few small islands! And on the wider world picture will the USA be drawn into this issue? And what attitude will Korea (North or South) take towards this difficulty close to them?

Both China and Japan need help to draw back from this dispute without either losing face.

The solution does not necessarily have to be left to politicians, which in the end can easily fail to achieve a peaceful outcome. We have learned that too from history.

But what if we, citizens of the world, in our hundreds of thousands, and indeed in numbers greater than that, were to partition both countries to agree that the disputed islands and the surrounding seas should be turned into a national park to be run jointly by both countries or under the management of the United Nations? 

This would lance the boil of ‘ownership’ and allow these two fine countries to remain at peace.

We could achieve this up-welling of world opinion towards such a solution and succeed in persuading both countries towards this compromise – provided we join our voices in sufficient numbers to make this peaceful outcome for these islands inevitable.

If reading this and are in agreement with the sentiment expressed, you might wish to re-tweet and re-blog to others this idea and that they in turn would be encouraged to contact others still to generate a chain reaction around the world towards this cause – would that not be a noble thing that all of us would have engaged in? China and Japan – and wildlife too would benefit from this effort from all of us.  

Together such an opinion expressed by great numbers of people could make the difference by allowing these two countries to see a practical alternative to war.





War can accelerate from small beginnings. A country can allow its indignation to build over a small matter until it reaches a pitch until war is seen as an inevitable outcome. And young men, and young women, are once more sent forward to kill each other. 

There is now a dispute growing between China and Japan over the ownership of a number of small islands. It would be a good thing if the concerns on both sides were to be put to rest.

Nature needs places of safety and refuge. It might be proposed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and others, that these islands and the sea around them be proclaimed a national park and conservation area and placed under the ‘ownership’ of the United Nations for 50-100 years or until such time when an amicable solution to the dispute can be agreed upon. No young men, or young women, need to go to war against each other.

Nature would also benefit.

But the time is urgent. I ask that this proposal be discussed as a priority at the UN. It is a practical way to alleviate the concerns on both sides of the dispute. UN please take this into your discussions.

