Is There Something Wrong With Me!

How is it that writers can sit down in front of a blank page and two years later find that they have a 300-400 page novel on their hands? I have talked to writers about this but no one can give a satisfactory answer how this comes about.

In writing FEAR the idea started by looking at a drop of water falling from an icicle. Ninety thousand words resulted. Damn if I know how it happened. Maybe I need help!

Lots of other writers must have similar experiences. It would be great to share. What is it that triggered the start of as novel for you?

Comments welcome.


What’s in a name – well, a lot really!


Recently I published a book – PLANET DANCING. It is about conserving nature. It contains six large ideas how we, all of us, on a world scale, might become involved. The book has a number of illustrations that are clearly of a wildlife nature. The cover too has a wildlife look to it. All of that should suggest that the subject matter is nature conservation.


In one shop the book found its way onto the ‘Astronomy’ shelf. In another it was placed in ‘Geology Section‘.  In a university bookshop it was proudly displayed under ‘Arts and Dance’.

I offer this to those who are contemplating writing books on non-fiction. Be extremely careful that your title does not mis-lead. Hope this is of help to some.

